Western Washington University

At Western Washington University I earned my B.S. in Manufacturing Engineering. During my time at Western I was granted the opportunity for extensive hands on lab experience with composites, CNC machining, manual machining, tool design and manufacturing, and industrial robotics. This hands on experience helped to reinforce theory learned in the classroom. I have continued to use the skills I learned at school in personal projects, in rocketry, and to see the magic of manufacturing around me everyday!



Interactive Transcript

Click on entries in “Course” column to see course description then click on “Best Match” result.


Course CRN Course Title Cdt Grade Date

ART 109        12986      Visual Dialogue                     3      A-      3/23/2015
COMM 101       11553      Fundamentals of Speech              4      B       3/16/2015
ENGR 104       13792      Introduction to Eng & Design        3      B       3/24/2015
MATH 114       14000      Precalculus I                       5      C       3/24/2015
ANTH 201       20441      Intro to Cultural Anthropology      5      A       6/15/2015
ENG 101        20061      Writing and Critical Inquiry        5      B+      6/15/2015
MATH 115       20013      Precalculus II                      5      B-      6/12/2015
ANTH 102       40002      Introduction to Human Origins       5      B       12/15/2015
CHEM 121       40112      General Chemistry I w/lab           5      C+      12/14/2015
MATH 124       42023      Calculus & Analytic Geometry I      5      C       12/11/2015
ENGR 170       12764      Intro to Materials Sci and Eng      4      B       3/22/2016
MATH 125       10662      Calculus II                         5      C-      3/22/2016
PHYS 161       11843      Physics with Calculus I             5      A-      3/21/2016
ENGR 214       22623      Statics                             4      B+      6/14/2016
MATH 224       21233      Multivariable Calc & Geomtry I      5      B       6/10/2016
PHYS 162       21715      Physics with Calculus II            5      A-      6/13/2016
CHEM 122       41344      General Chemistry II w/lab          5      B+      12/7/2016
MATH 124       40293      Calculus & Analytic Geometry I      5      A-      12/12/2016
MATH 125       40294      Calculus II                         5      B+      12/7/2016
CSCI 140       12083      Prog Fundl in C++                   4      A       3/20/2017
ENGR 225       12238      Mechanics of Materials              5      A-      3/20/2017
MATH 204       11788      Elementary Linear Algebra           4      A       3/15/2017
MATH 345       23358      Statistics for Engineering          4      B+      6/13/2017
MFGE 231       22239      Intro Manufacturing Processes       4      A       6/12/2017
MFGE 261       22241      Introduction to CAD                 4      A       6/9/2017
PHYS 163       23435      Physics with Calculus III           5      A       6/12/2017
EE 351         42009      Electronics for Engineering         4      A-      12/18/2017
MFGE 332       42054      Introduction to CAM and CNC         4      A-      12/18/2017
PCE 371        42046      Intro to Plastics Mat's & Proc      5      A-      12/15/2017
PHIL 114       41086      Intro: Knowledge & Reality          3      A-      12/19/2017
MATH 331       12066      Ordinary Differentl Equations       4      A-      3/22/2018
MFGE 333       12467      Design for Manufacture              4      A       3/28/2018
MFGE 341       11970      Quality Assurance                   4      A-      3/27/2018
MFGE 362       11975      CAD Using Surfaces                  4      A-      3/22/2018
EE 352         21912      Intro to Automation & Control       4      A       6/20/2018
MFGE 342       21942      Data Analysis and DOE               4      A       6/20/2018
MFGE 381       21944      Manufacturing Process Planning      4      A-      6/20/2018
PCE 372        21946      Intro to Composite Mat's&Proc       5      A-      6/20/2018
DNC 232        30306      Movement & Culture                  3      A       8/21/2018
ENVS 202       30360      Env Studies and Sustain             3      A       8/29/2018
MUS 106        30578      Intro to Hip-Hop                    3      A-      9/4/2018
PSY 119        30331      Psychology of Gender                4      A       8/15/2018
MFGE 453       43790      Industrial Robotics                 4      A       12/19/2018
MFGE 463       42129      Design of Tooling                   4      A       12/19/2018
MFGE 491       42177      Project Research Plan & Ethics      4      A-      12/19/2018
OPS 460        41915      Designing & Improving Ops           4      B+      12/19/2018
MATH 225       11020      Multivrble Calc & Geomtry II        4      A-      3/27/2019
MFGE 434       12063      Advanced CAM and CNC                4      A       3/27/2019
MFGE 465       12203      Machine Design                      4      A       3/27/2019
MFGE 492       12065      Manufacturing Proj Proposal         2      A       3/27/2019
PCE 397        14142      Additive Manufacturing              4      A       3/27/2019
MFGE 400       24283      Skateboard Equipment MFG            2      A       6/17/2019
MFGE 493       21902      Manufacturing Proj Implement        4      A       6/17/2019

Academic Summary To Date  
                Total      Transfer     ---------------------Western--------------------
                Credits    Credits      Credits    GPA Hours      Quality Points     GPA
Undergraduate   237.50     27.500       210.00     220.000        772.300            3.51
Degrees and Certificates:                                                           
Status:               Awarded                                                    
Graduation Term:      Spring 2019                                            
Type:                 Bachelor of Science                                    
College:              College Science & Engineering                             
Program:              BS-Science & Engineering                                 
Major/Field:          Manufacturing Engineering (catalog term: Fall 2016)        
Minor/Field:          Mathematics (catalog term: Fall 2016)                      
Degree Comments:      Degree GPA :  3.51
Institutional Honors: Cum Laude


Undergraduate project work


Unofficial Transcript
